Somatic Yoga with Kerri


Somatic yoga is a transformative practice that delves deep into the mind-body connection, inviting practitioners to explore and understand their bodies from within. As a somatic yoga teacher, I guide students through a journey of self-discovery and embodiment, emphasizing awareness, mindfulness, and gentle movement. In somatic yoga, we prioritize the sensations and feelings present in the body, allowing them to be our guides as we move through various postures and sequences. This approach encourages students to release tension, improve mobility, and cultivate a sense of inner peace and harmony. Through mindful movement, breathwork, and conscious relaxation techniques, somatic yoga empowers individuals to reconnect with their bodies, release stored stress and trauma, and unlock their innate potential for healing and self-expression. As a somatic yoga teacher, my role is to create a safe and nurturing space for students to explore their bodies with curiosity and compassion. I offer gentle guidance and encouragement, allowing each individual to honor their unique experience and journey towards greater embodiment and well-being.
